The Journey into Spiritual Growth: Focus on What Unites Us

What we have learned about growing spiritually:
  • Intentional journey (seeking God:  Prayer, Bible, church, giving)
  • Willing to let God to change the desires of your heart
  • See God in all things (the good and the bad)
  • A desire for righteousness
  • Overcome fear and un-forgiveness
  • A desire to praise and Worship God
  • A desire to be in unity with other Christian believers

Main Point Today:  The journey into Spiritual growth is an intentional journey that God desires of us.  With spiritual growth comes a desire to be unity with other Christian believers.

Pastor’s Thoughts:
  • This church is going to lead the way to bring unity among other believers.  
  • When churches unite and serve the community, the name of Jesus will be praised. 

Enemy desires a divided church.

Quote from Philip Kosloski:
  • “The devil loves chaos. Ever since his fall from Heaven Satan seeks to divide the world. His first action was to divide the angels, which was followed-up by tempting Adam and Eve in the garden, driving a wedge between the first humans and God.  Division is the devil’s playground and it shouldn’t be surprising. The word “devil,” comes from the Greek word diabolos, which can be translated as, “to divide,” “to separate,” or more literally, “to throw against.”

God desires a united church.
  • Ephesians 4:3.  Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace
  • John 17:16-26.  Jesus prayed for all those that belong to him. 
  • V23.  Jesus prayed for the church to be one, in unity; so the world will know that God loves them
  • V26.  Jesus prayed that God’s love would be in us.  

Pastor’s Thoughts
  • As we fight for unity, which requires us to swallow our pride, we will see God move
  • Taking Spiritual Ground for God’s Kingdom requires Christians to fight for unity.

  • HCC has been launched to impact others for Jesus
  • In unity we will spread God’s love through serving others
  • The results of unity and serving others will be salvations and deliverances and healings and signs and wonders

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