God's Presence - Part 3
Introduction: Do you want to experience more of God’s presence you your life? In the church? In your home? I have good news for you. It is your actions and your hunger for more of God that will determine if you will encounter more of God’s presence around you.
Main Point: A church that hungers for God’s presence is a church that will experience God’s presence.
Old Testament Holy of Holies:
Pastor’s Thoughts:
New Testament Holy of Holies:
Hebrews 10:19-25. We can enter into the holiest place by the blood of Jesus who is our high priest worthy of it all.
Pastor’s Thoughts:
Main Point: A church that hungers for God’s presence is a church that will experience God’s presence.
Old Testament Holy of Holies:
- Leviticus 16:1-3. The Holy of Holies was not for everyone. Only those that God had appointed could enter in.
- 1 Kings 8:9. The Holy of Holies contained the Ark of the Covenant with the Ten Commandments.
Pastor’s Thoughts:
- In the Old Testament, only a few select people could enter into the Holy of Holies to experience God’s presence
- In the New Testament, because of Jesus, anyone willing can enter into the Holy of Holies (God’s presence)
- What a treasure that we must not take for granted.
New Testament Holy of Holies:
Hebrews 10:19-25. We can enter into the holiest place by the blood of Jesus who is our high priest worthy of it all.
Pastor’s Thoughts:
- What a treasure we have to have access to God’s presence because Jesus Christ paid the price that we can enter into the Holy of Holies.
- For this reason we must do all we can to keep encountering more of God’s presence because:
- What are the kind of things that can happen in God’s presence?
- Salvation
- Healing
- Deliverance
- Freedom
- Joy and Peace
- Confidence
- Conviction
- Confirmation
- Gifts of the Spirit
- What are the kind of things that can happen in God’s presence?
- Don’t take alter calls for granted. Experience as much as God’s presence as you can. Do this over and over and you will be changed? You have a free-will choice. Choice to enter into the Holy of Holies.
- HCC is a church that hungers for God’s presence.
- More of God’s presence will result in Signs and Wonders
- Focus on praising and worshipping God with a true heart and God will inhabit the praises of his people.
- What happens when God’s presence is evident and tangible in the church? Lives are impacted. We are impacted.
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