The Secret Place - Part 1

Main Point:  Those who have a secret place with God will not look back and desire to return to the bondage of sin.

Story of Sodom and Gomorrah
  • Genesis 19:15-26.
    • V15.  The iniquity of the city brought destruction to the city.  God is righteous and has judged sin and unrighteousness.
    • It is God’s mercy that delays the consequences of sin in our lives/city/nation.
  • Romans 9:14-16.  God deserves the right to show mercy on some and not on others.  He is God.

What can we do to obtain Mercy (or favor) from God according to scripture?
  • Matthew 5:7. Show mercy to others and God will show mercy to you.  
  • Luke 1:5. God’s mercy extends to those who fear him.
  • Proverbs 28:13. Those who confess their sins will find mercy.

Pastor’s Thoughts:
  • God is not looking around the earth looking to punish people.  
  • Sin has consequences.  
  • God does not do evil or unrighteousness to hurt you.  
  • It is sin that brings results of pain and hurt not God.
  • Note on God’s Mercy.  God’s mercy is his to deliver as he wills.  
  • We are here today because of the mercy of God on our lives.  
  • When we first sin we are destined for death.  
  • The bible says the wages of sin is death.  
  • But because of God’s mercy we did not die during our first sin.

Genesis 19:26. But Lots wife looked back and she became a pillar of salt.

Pastor’s Thoughts:
  • Lot’s wife was not ready to let go of the old life in that sinful place
  • Those who have a secrete place with God will not look back and desire to be in sin.
  • As we analyze our own hearts are we ready to let go of anything that is not pleasing to our righteous loving God
  • If Lot’s wife knew God and his love and mercy she would not have looked back
  • If Lot's wife had a secret place where she encountered and knew God she would not have looked back.

The secret Place:
  • Psalm 91: 1-16.  Those who dwell in the secret place have many promises from God in His Word.
    • Make sure you have a secret place/time with God and you can claim all these promises
  • Matthew 6:6. Jesus talks about the secret place of prayer and fasting.

Pastor’s Thoughts:
  • The more you know God and draw closer to him, the more mercy we obtain from our loving heavenly father.
  • If you can say you have a ‘secret place with God’ you are destined for greatness in God’s Kingdom.
  • Those who have a secrete place with God will not look back and desire to be in sin.
  • The Key is to find the secret place where you get to know God and God calls you friend.

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