The Secret Place - Part 4
Main point today is this: The reason the closet time (secret place) is so important is because in order to have this alone time with the Lord you must subdue your carnal sinful nature.
Know this:
In order to subdue it you must know it exists: Paul and the battle of two natures
Paul and the battle of two natures:
Romans 7: 18-25. Paul makes us aware of these two forces battling in us. The Spirit of God in us (the mind of Christ) and the carnal flesh that serves sin.
Scriptures about your carnal nature:
Romans 8:5-9: V7. The carnal mind is an enemy of God. When we are saved the Spirit of God dwells in us and our carnal mind no longer enslaves us.
The bible is clear that our carnal nature is an enemy of God.
Isaiah 64:6-8. Our righteousness (or good deeds) without God is still unholy, filthy, not enough to be right standing before God.
-The bible is clear that with God’s righteousness in us we can never be good enough for His Kingdom.
Pastor’s Thoughts:
Know this:
- Know this. Your carnal nature does not want anything to do with God’s Righteousness and Glory in your life.
- Whenever I say your carnal nature it means your sinful nature that you were born with because Adam and Eve disobeyed God and sinned.
- Know this. You must be aware of your carnal nature and work to subdue it by the power of the Holy Spirit in your life.
In order to subdue it you must know it exists: Paul and the battle of two natures
Paul and the battle of two natures:
Romans 7: 18-25. Paul makes us aware of these two forces battling in us. The Spirit of God in us (the mind of Christ) and the carnal flesh that serves sin.
- Once we aware of this battle in us then we must know what to do to subdue the carnal sinful nature
- We must walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit (Romans 8:1)
Scriptures about your carnal nature:
Romans 8:5-9: V7. The carnal mind is an enemy of God. When we are saved the Spirit of God dwells in us and our carnal mind no longer enslaves us.
The bible is clear that our carnal nature is an enemy of God.
Isaiah 64:6-8. Our righteousness (or good deeds) without God is still unholy, filthy, not enough to be right standing before God.
-The bible is clear that with God’s righteousness in us we can never be good enough for His Kingdom.
Pastor’s Thoughts:
- So doing ‘good’ outside of God's leading is just “self” trying to earn its way into heaven.
- The bible is clear that Jesus is the only way to be saved.
- We cannot work our way into heaven. It is faith in Jesus.
- Then once transformed our actions begin to line up with Gods word.
- And people will know you are saved by your fruit, your love, your humility.
- The reason the closet time (secret place) is so important is because in order to have this alone time with the Lord you must subdue your carnal sinful nature.
- Walk after the Spirit not after the flesh.
- If we have fallen in love with Jesus and want to be empowered by His Spirit to take ground for His Kingdom, we must know how to subdue our carnal nature.
- Jesus is worthy of it all
- It’s time for Christians to rise up and say ‘yes’ to Jesus. Take all of my life
- I choose to hold nothing for myself. Take my life and do what you will
- Empower me to overcome my sinful carnal nature that I may be a sweet sound to your ear.
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