The Secret Place - Part 5

Main point: The secret place with Jesus will make it clear to our Spirits that we don’t need anything else. We don’t need to take any carnal baggage with us because our joy, peace, and hope is with our faith in Jesus Christ the redeemer.
Where we started Foundation Scripture:
Psalm 91:1-16 He that dwelleth in the Secret Place of the most-high will rest in the shadow of the almighty.
Pastor’s Thoughts:
Scripture about sending disciples out with nothing
Luke 9:1-2. Jesus tells the disciples to take nothing with them on the journey.
Pastor’s Thoughts:
Where we started Foundation Scripture:
Psalm 91:1-16 He that dwelleth in the Secret Place of the most-high will rest in the shadow of the almighty.
Pastor’s Thoughts:
- In this series we have learned about the importance of making sure we have a secret place with God.
- A Place where you and God are alone
- A place where you talk to God, you praise God, you petition God. And nobody knows that you’re doing it besides you and God.
- This is so important.
- If I showed you your life of joy and peace and blessing as a result of you having a secret place with God and then I showed your life without this secret place (a life of struggle, anxiety, worry, fear). You would do anything you can to make sure you have a secret place.
- If I gave a man a map of a billion dollar treasure. He would take time to find it.
- Likewise I’m showing you a map of peace, joy, blessing beyond measure that is found in the secret place. Take time to find it.
- Jesus said it this way. Matthew 6:6-7. Pray in secret and God who knows all things will reward you openly. (not in secret)
- Once you have established the secret place with God in your life (outside the church walls)
- You will begin to see clearly that all you need is Jesus
Scripture about sending disciples out with nothing
Luke 9:1-2. Jesus tells the disciples to take nothing with them on the journey.
- Why? 1. So they would not be slowed down by the weight. 2. So they would rely on faith for their needs. 3. So they would be in position to see God’s supernatural power at work in their circumstances.
Pastor’s Thoughts:
- The closer you walk with God, the more you can see clearly that you don’t need to take anything with you. Just give me Jesus.
- When you get to know God personally in your secret place, you will rely more on Him and less on your own abilities.
- When you get to know God personally in your secret place, you will see God do signs and wonders on your behalf.
- When you get to know God personally in your secret place, you will see and hear clearly as he leads you into your destiny.
- In Conclusion, is your heart receiving the call from God through His Spirit to surrender all and make sure you know God personally. To make sure you have a secret place with God.
- Remember Jesus said, “Many will say Lord, Lord, to Jesus and Jesus will say I never knew you”.
- Today is the day. Cry out to Jesus and surrender all and take nothing with you.
- We don’t need what this world offers. Just give me Jesus.
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