Christmas Series - Part 2 - Divine Intervention

Main Point:  God has shown in the scripture and even in our lives today, that He is a God of divine intervention.

God will supernaturally intervene in your life to advance His Kingdom.

Christmas Series:
Part 1:  Jesus the Solution
  • Jesus is the solution to the sin problem caused by Adam & Eve.
  • Jesus is our redeemer.
  • Jesus, our redeemer lives
Part 2:  Divine Intervention
  • God is not confused by our circumstances or our trials.  
  • God will intervene in your circumstance to enhance His Kingdom.  
    • Not to enhance your ‘Kingdom’

Biblical Examples of Divine Intervention:

  • Jesus.  God incarnate sent to dwell among men.  The Solution.
  • Noah’s Ark
  • The 10 plagues
  • Walls of Jericho came down
  • The 3 Hebrew boys
  • Road to Damascus.  Saul converted to Paul the Apostle

Pastor’s Thoughts:
  • These are all examples, and there are many more, of Divine Intervention.  
  • God will intervene in your life to enhance His Kingdom.
  • A Christian that diligently seeks God will encounter divine intervention.  Hebrews 11:6.

Divine Intervention:  The Christmas Story.

  • Matthew 1:18-25.  Mary & Joseph.  
  • God’s plan of salvation became real in the flesh through divine intervention through Mary resulting in giving birth to the Son of God.  John 3:16.

Pastor’s Thoughts:
  • It is one thing for a prophetic word or prophetic scripture to be spoken, it is another thing for that word to become real in the flesh.
    • All of God’s promises will become real in the flesh
    • All of God’s promises to you, whether through a prophetic word or God’s written word, will become real in the flesh according to God’s purposes, not ours.
  • Expect God to intervene on your behalf to enhance His Kingdom.
    • Divine intervention is supernatural intervention

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