Christmas Series - Part 4 - The Hope of the World

Main Point:  Jesus is the Hope of the world.  All who put their trust in Jesus have hope of eternal life.  Merry Christmas

Christmas series review:
  • Part1:  Jesus the Solution
  • Part2:  Divine Intervention (example: the virgin birth)
  • Part3:  Divine Confirmation (example:  the shepherds and Wise Men)
  • Part4:  The Hope of the World

Foundation Scripture:  1 Peter 1:3-9.  
  • v3.  We have hope because of the birth and resurrection of Emmanuel, God with us.
  • v4.  Our hope is an incorruptible inheritance that will never fade away.
  • v5-6.  Even in trial, we are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation
  • v7.  Our faith is more precious than gold.  That even in trial we will be found giving praise, honour, and glory to King Jesus.
  • v8. Though we have not seen Him as the disciples did, our hope brings us joy unspeakable and full of glory.  

  • Scriptures about Jesus, the hope of the world:
  • 1 Timothy 1:1. Jesus, the hope of the world.
  • Titus 2:11-13.  Jesus , is our blessed hope.

Jesus is the only hope for mankind.
  • Christmas reminds all who will listen that Jesus is the only hope for mankind.

Hope of the world confirmed by Simeon and Ana the Prophets:
  • Luke 2:22-34.  Simeon (the solution, divine intervention, divine confirmation, the hope of the world).
  • Luke 22:36. Ana(presented Jesus as the hope of the world- Jesus the redeemer of mankind)

  • Jesus the Solution
  • God of Divine Intervention
  • God of Divine Confirmation
  • Jesus The Hope of the World
  • The entire world without Jesus has no hope.
  • But those who trust in Jesus as their Salvation, have everlasting Hope in Christ Jesus
  • That’s what Christmas is all about.  Rejoicing about our blessed hope, Jesus Christ
  • When Jesus name is lifted up, people are drawn to him because He is true hope.
  • Merry Christmas!!!!!

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