Never Forget

Main Point:  Never forget all that God has done for you.  It is important to remember because it builds faith for the next battle ahead.

Foundation Scriptures:  Joshua 23:1-3; Joshua 25: 1-5.  
  • Remember all that the Lord has done.  
  • Remember the answered prayers and when God intervened for you and your family.  
  • Choose this day whom you will serve and do it at 100 percent.

Pastor’s Thoughts:
  • Never forget God answered prayer on Abortion.  50 years of prayer answered.  Never forget.
  • Never forget when God protected in the car accident.
  • Never forget when God brought you out of debt and financial distress.
  • Never forget all the prayer request God has answered.
  • Never forget the Cross and the Salvation through Jesus Christ.

Scriptures about not forgetting and being thankful.
Psalm 103:2.  Don’t forget what God has done to benefit you.
Psalm 107:1.  Give thanks to the Lord for he is good.Psalm 95:2.  Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving.

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