The Journey into Spiritual Growth: Desire for Righteousness

What we have learned about growing spiritually:
  • Intentional journey (seeking God:  Prayer, Bible, church, giving)
  • Willing to let God to change the desires of your heart
  • See God in all things (the good and the bad)
  • A desire for righteousness

Main Point Today:  The journey into Spiritual growth is an intentional journey that God desires of us.  With spiritual growth comes a desire for righteousness.  

Scriptures on righteousness:
  • Hosea 10:12.  Seeking the Lord will result in righteousness raining down on our lives.
  • Why is seeking righteousness so important for Christians?  2 Corinthians 5:21.  Because Jesus died so we have an opportunity at being righteous before God.
  • Seeking righteousness leads to blessings.  Matthew 6:33; Matthew 5:6

Pastor’s Thoughts:
  • This world and social media is full of unrighteousness.  But growing Christians seek out the righteousness of God
  • Don’t be discouraged by al the unrighteousness in the world.  Grace will abound even more than unrighteousness
  • If you are comfortable with unrighteousness you are not growing spiritually
    • Don’t be ok with Abortion
    • Don’t be ok with Adultery/Drunkenness/Lying.  Etc…
    • Don’t be ok with Homosexuality or Gender Confusion (God created male and female)
    • The world/enemy tries to confuse or blur the line on what is righteous, but the truth is written in God’s word.

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