Answer the Call

Main Point: God is calling each of us into life changing assignments. When we obediently answer the call, more than just our lives are changed.

Luke 1:34-38
The call for Mary to birth The Messiah changed more than her life, it changed the lives of the world, for eternity.

Daily, God is calling us into:
  • Intimacy with Him
  • A new level of obedience
  • Spreading His love, word, and hope to the world around us.

The calling for our church in this next season is to:
  • Serve the community
  • Passionately praise and worship God wanting nothing but The Presence of God to show up in our midst

You do not need to be the best speaker or the strongest person. You just need to be available and willing.
  • Moses had problems with speaking 5020202020Recent


