God's Presence - Part 2

Main Point:  A church that hungers for God’s presence is a church that will experience God’s presence.

What happens when God’s presence is evident and tangible in the church?  Lives are impacted.  We are impacted.

Last week we talked about:
3 ways to experience God’s presence:
  1. God is omnipresent (Psalm 139:7-8, Hebrews 13:5)
    • God is always with us, the question is are you with him.  The tangible presence of God comes when you are recognizing God.  Who He is.  How Great He is.
  2. God’s tangible presence – a one person experience (James 4:8)
  3. God’s tangible presence – 2 or 3 are gathered.  The congregation experience.  (Matthew 18:19-20

Moses in God’s presence:  
Exodus 34:1-7.  God reveals himself to Moses and gives him two main messages.
  1.  That He is God of Love that forgives.
  2. That He is God that punishes the guilty (Who are the guilty?  Those that don’t turn to God for forgiveness.)
Exodus 34: 29-35
  • When Moses came down from the mountain his face was glowing/shining with God’s glory.  
  • What happened?  His shining face was temporary.  It eventually stopped shining.  
    • But what was eternal was the experience of being in God’s presence.
    •  and what resulted from that  was increased faith, purpose, destiny, commitment, determination, resolve.

What happens when a Christian has increased faith, purposes, destiny, commitment, determination, and resolve?  
  • You become a force for righteousness.
  • You become a soldier for God’s Kingdom taking ground for righteousness.
  • You become an instrument for God’s Kingdom, anointed for good works.
  • You become unstoppable because God is with you.
  • The enemy will know your name because of your impact, and no weapon formed against you will prosper (Isaiah 54:17)

Pastor’s Thoughts:
  • When we Christians experience the real presence of God, many eternal things begin to happen.  As the song says when Jesus walks into the room everything changes.
  • HCC will be a church that hungers for God’s presence.  If we are in unity to hunger for God’s presence then we will continue to experience the tangible presence of God.
  • And what this world needs, and what we need more than anything is more of God.  
    • Not the concept of God but more of his true presence, which comes when we truly praise and worship God.

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