Year End Review: King Jesus Will Be Praised

Main Point:  When the name of Jesus is lifted up spiritual ground is moved for God’s Kingdom.  In 2023, Spiritual ground has been moved in our church and in our secret place.

  • Together, this church family has gone through a journey in 2023
  • There are many things the Lord has done in 2023.  I want to summarize this year by focusing on 2 main points.
  • Two main points this year 
1.  Praise King Jesus in Spirit and in truth and we will be transformed from the inside out. (Corporately)
2.  Finding and protecting a secret place with God.  (Individually)

It is important it is to Praise and Worship King Jesus in Spirit and in Truth.
  • From the heart
  • Subdue our carnal sinful nature and praise King Jesus in Spirit and in truth.

Scriptures about Praising King Jesus and the results:
  • John 4:23-24.  God is seeking true worshippers
  • 2 Chronicles 16:9. When God finds true worshippers, God will show himself strong.
  • His Love
  • His Presence
  • His Supernatural Power
  • His Revelation
  • His Transformation (etc..)

Matthew 18:20
Where 2 or 3 are gathered in His name, the presence of Jesus shows up by the Power of the Holy Spirit.

It is important to find and protect your secret place with God (a place where you and God are alone)
  • This develops your closeness to God
  • This helps surrender your will to God’s will

Scriptures about the Secret Place:
  • Matthew 6:6. Jesus instructs us to pray in private where God knows all and desires a close relationship with us.
  • Psalm 91:1-16.  Those who abide in the secret place with God are protected and blessed by God.

  • In 2023, We have experienced the power and presence of God just like Jesus promised.  When the name of Jesus is lifted up, men and women are drawn to Jesus.
    • We have experienced His presence as a church family and many of us have experienced His presence in the secret place.
  • As we move into 2024,  we will not forget what we have learned in 2023, we will carry with us into 2024
    • True Praise of King Jesus.   
    • A secret place with God.
  • Let’s end this year tonight praising King Jesus together.
  • And let’s gather next week ready to hear from the Lord about the year 2024.

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